Query bound SSAS partitions

Been doing some thinking about the best way to design query bound partiton queries.  In the wizard in BI Studio, when you switch the partition to query bound instead of table bound (so you can put a WHERE clause as a row constraint) it lists out each column.  That means that if you need to add a new dimension to your star/cube, you will need to edit the query in each partition before you can load and process the cube.

Would it be better to do a select * in the query?  I’m not sure and I’m curious what anyone else thinks about it.

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One Response to Query bound SSAS partitions

  1. Dave Wickert [MSFT] says:

    Yes, I’ve used a SELECT * from time to time. However SSAS will still wrap the SELECT in a sub-select and cast the columns to values it knows about. It is just the way we do things — we use it as a way of forcing the columns names to what we expect. The RDBMS query optimizer recognizes that this is just column re-mappings and it has no effect on the query itself.

    As I’ve said before, you are welcome to do whatever you want in the query binding so long as a minimum of the expected column names are returned as the table binding template expects.

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